IP Adress & Grabber link opening when launching FiveM

Hi everyone,

My community is a bit scared to use FiveM since it’s opening a link to Wikipedia and closes it after the page has been loaded. Does anybody have an explanation so that I can calm my community??

I saw a topic (https://forum.cfx.re/t/grabber-or-ip-adress-wikipedia/1656020) with the same question but the answer from a Moderator was not an answer on our question.

Message from Moderator:

Why is it opening? Why do you need to open it? Why is it closing FiveM? Why is the browser closing after the page has been loaded? Why does it randomize it to open 2 different links about IP’s and Grabbing?

If anyone could answer these questions I would really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,
Team ZaanDijkRP

The issue has already been fixed before you even posted this thread.

True… but I still want answers to my questions… Players are still confused about why it even happened.

Probably someone memeing or some sh*t like that.
Nothing to worry about :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll give you something in Dutch;
Geef simpelweg aan dat er een intern probleempje was ofzo, wikipedia pagina’s zijn geen goddelijke problemen ofzo. ‘t Is in principe ook niet aan jou om een uitgebreide uitleg te geven aan je leden geziene het probleem in eerste instantie niet bij jullie lag.

Thank you @dividerz for an better answer.

We can give you something back in dutch :blush::

Wij weten zelf ook natuurlijk dat het geen kwaad kan om een wikipedia pagina te openen. Wij vragen ons meer af waarom het uberhaupt geopent word. Waarom heeft FiveM een link naar een wikipedia pagina geplaatst? FiveM heeft het niet eens nodig… Het blijft nog steeds erg raar, ookal is het “opgelost”. Dank voor uw bericht, ik wacht nog op een moderator die ons misschien wat meer informatie kan verlenen.

Er zijn zo wel wat verhaaltjes, maar kan hier niet gedeeld worden haha

If it really was a meme or any type of ‘joke’ then it was a really misplaced one and to be honest I am pretty annoyed by this.

Users / players get really confused when stuff like this happens. When the first players reported it I first thought it was a virus and when they showed it to me I was almost convinced that their system really was infected, wether it was a virus or something else.

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Yeah, guess that these forums arent’t really the place to discuss things like this though…

Not the first or second time stuff like this happen though

Well if that was the case… they shouldn’t call this a forum. :joy: