Invisible Menu (no server browser)

Hey guys,

if i start FiveReborn.exe i stuck every time in the server browser. I only see the background and the FR logo in the upper right corner.

GTA V version? alttext
Up to date? yes
Legit or Pirate copy? legit
Steam/CD/Social Club? Social Club
Error screenshot alt text
GTA V folder screenshot alt text
FiveReborn client folder screenshot alt text
CitizinFX.log Code Share
.dmp files dont know what that is and where i can find this

That is what i tried:

  • list item direct connect to a server, so i dont need the menu. It works but than i cant see the log-in window on the servers or other pop up stuff.

Hope i get help

Do you have any AntiVirus?

Did you allow it through your firewall?

I have AntiVir but i tried with disabled and deinstallation of any AntiVir programms.

FiveReborn exe is allowed throug the FireWall. I also tried with disabled FireWall but the same problem…

I’m going to take a random guess and say you have the Windows 10 Anniversary update?

I have Windows 10 yes. I upgradet my windows from 8.1 to 10.

Set compatibility mode to Win 8.1

Dont work because if i change the compability mode from Win Vista SP 2 i get the iGPU Error. I have a Laptop (Toshiba Satellite) were i cant disable the iGPU in BIOS. And if i disable the iGPU in the Device Manager, the game uses the CPU Graphic and not my AMD.

eventually problems with html or something because i cant also see the log in window on the server?


A friend says that HTML can be the problem. That the game cant show the Menü and the login screen. But IDK.
And b2 compatibilty mode: I can only run five reborn with Win Vista SP 2. if i try an other mode, i get the iGPU Error.

@Boss but what i have to do to see the Menu and the log in screen on any servers?

Hello? Need help.

@Matze_Martinez said in Invisible Menu (no server browser):

And b2 compatibilty mode: I can only run five reborn with Win Vista SP 2. if i try an other mode, i get the iGPU Error.

You get that error due to the UI trying to initialize - you don’t get it in Vista SP2 compatibility mode as that stops the menu from loading. Maybe try a different way to fix it?

You mean a different way to fix the iGPU Error without using compatibility mode Vista SP2? I try to disable the iGPU, but dont work.
Did you have an idea for a fix?

@Matze_Martinez said in Invisible Menu (no server browser):

You mean a different way to fix the iGPU Error without using compatibility mode Vista SP2? I try to disable the iGPU, but dont work.
Did you have an idea for a fix?

I’ve tried pretty much everything with no avail. I guess we just have to wait for a fix from the developers.

Push. Need help

Developers try fixing this pls i have the same problem :slight_smile:

@ArinGAMER said in Invisible Menu (no server browser):

Developers try fixing this pls i have the same problem :slight_smile:

Only AMD can fix this.

Press F8
Then type help for a list of commands
Check this site for a list of servers and load the level…

Thats how far I have got on this issue so far.