Inventory - axr_inventory | [vRP][PAID]


axr_inventory is a custom slot-based inventory system offering various features such as checkPlayer, collect attachments, and an automatic saving system for weapons, attachments, ammunition, items, chests, etc.

There’s a special option for useBackpack, unlocking the backpack category. You get 7 slots in Pocket, 42 in Backpack, and 5 in FastSlots. Each item slot can be used individually.

Nearby players can be searched, and items can be taken from or added to their inventory as desired.

The vrp/modules/inventory.lua system has been completely removed, and now any add/remove/has item actions are handled via axr_inventory exports (instructions provided upon purchase).

Each vehicle has a trunk and glovebox with different weights and capacities.

Special inventory commands have been added for various functionalities, such as:

/giveitem – give an item as an admin
/clearinventory – clear a player’s inventory
/inventory – open the inventory
/collectattachments – collect attachments from a weapon

Additionally, the inventory includes a built-in chest system. You can create static chests on the map at chosen coordinates with specific permissions or open the chest using the export exports.axr_inventory:openChest();. As shown in the video, the inventory system can integrate with your housing system.


[#] Framework: vRP

[#] Author: AleX

[#] Database: Yes

[#] Open Source: No

[#] Config access (multiple files)

[#] UI - User Interface

[#] Installation instructions + config editing guide

[#] Low CPU usage (optimized client & server side)

[#] Custom-built hacker protection (fully secured)

[#] Languages Used: Lua, Jquery, Vue, HTML, CSS

Price: €50 (without taxes)

Video Preview:
Tebex Product:

To purchase the system or for more information, send a DM

Code is accessible No, just config files
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2350-2500
Requirements vRP, Oxmysql or Ghmattimysql
Support Yes

(For releases without code the not applicable fields can be written as N/A)


Hmm, kind of looks like a redesign of my inventory :thinking:


idk who you are bro or what’s you inventory))

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sure buddy :laughing: just search up axfw-inventory i think you’ll get to know who i am

oh, maybe we have in common pocket, backpack and fastSlots options but the system is made from scratch by me, even the figma files ))

Are you the one who knocks?

You’re Goddamn Right

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