Invalid fixup, address is neither virtual nor physical (in mp_m_freemode_01_mp_m_mobfmfe.....)

Hello, I make fivem clothing and i was working on a gang pack that includes a vest and when i go to put it in my test city it crashes with the above code " invalid fixup, address is neither virtual nor physicall (in mp_m_freemode_01_mp_m_mobfmfe…) and gives me a crash log. can anybody help?

did you ever find a fix for this?

The error means you have either, or both of the following: Invalid model assignment, or invalid manifest data for the specific model. Unless you know what you’re doing with GTAV clothing and how to fix that, you’ll just need to use another model.
EDIT: On second thought it can also be caused by the YDD itself being broken (and maybe something else I’m not familiar with), but again, unless you know what you’re doing just use another model.

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No I just used another model. :confused:

Thank you

what do you mean by model like new grephics pack or what does model mean

Usually the clothing model (YDD) itself, it’s rare to have graphics packs that also mess with clothing items