Interest point Indicator
This script serves as an optimized replacement for the traditional 3D marker. It dynamically follows the screen edges, positioning itself at the nearest edge to guide the player toward the waypoint. The design ensures players always know where to go without the clutter of 3D markers.
Example use
exports["ui-marker"]:ShowMarker(source, "home") - To show specific marker
exports["ui-marker"]:HideMarker(source, "home") - To hide specific marker
exports["ui-marker"]:ShowMarkers() - To show all marker
exports["ui-marker"]:HideMarkers() - To hide all marker
when idle 0.00ms
when not moving 0.01ms - 0.02ms
1 markers 0.02ms
2 markers 0.03ms
4 markers 0.04ms
20 markers 0.15ms
Github repo (link)
Config.UPDATE_SPEED = 15 -- put it at 0.6 if you want it to be more responsive and dont care about performance
-- add waypoints here and use with the exports above
Config.targetCoords = {
["startcarrier"] = {
coords = vector3(1932.688477, 5157.644043, 44.791149), -- waypoint coords
label = "Thermite Pickup", -- label text
labelDistance = 35.0, -- label distance
autoCompleteOnArrival = 30.0, -- auto remove waypoint on arrival, false to disable, distance in meters
glowDistance = 70.0,
show = false, -- show on load
glow_obj = nil -- object to glow
["carrierdoor"] = {
coords = vector3(598.093079, -3416.244873, 6.077423),
label = "Carrier door",
labelDistance = 7.0,
autoCompleteOnArrival = 1.0,
glowDistance = 70.0,
show = false,
glow_obj = `lr_prop_supermod_door_01`
Check my work Here
Created by: Sharon and Burgil