Interest for Open-source Staff Panel


I have recently created a clean, fast, and intutivie staff panel for the fivem platform. I may also do redm support in the future. It’s built ontop of the Laravel framework, Tailwind, AlpineJS, and more. The whole panel is also mobile friendly so there is no issue there.

It can work standalone or with ESX/QB which allows the staff panel to track player money, houses, vehicles, charactrers and more (I’m half way through of implementing the different server types). The panel can have many many servers at once which caching which helps the speed of everything.

Please ignore the logo at the top left corner. It is for dev use purposes.

I am coming to you today to ask whether I should release this open-source. I want to release this however I cannot decide. I’d love to open-source this so everyone can manage their server without paying $50+ for a bloody staff panel. I’m not too sure whether there is some interest in this. If so, It will give me motivation to contribute to the project often.

Here is a quick video showcasing the panel.

My computer does not show its justice so here is a screenshot of some backend stats

Here are some images of the panel




I would download it if it was public! Would love something like this.

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txadmin doesn’t already does that feature ?

TXAdmin manages the server. This manages the players. You do not have reports, chat logs, kill logs, quick search feature, easy records feature and more. Theres a lot of differences.

oh ok, I ask that because I don’t use txadmin, but I know it manages your server.

Well, That answers my question. I had a similar idea, but I wasn’t sure about it.

FYI txadmin is open source and you could just contribute to it.

TXAdmin is open source yes but it doesn’t fit the purpose of what this is. Also its in a completely different language than this.

Where do I get this?


This was not released publically. I am currently a bit too busy at the moment to maintain it but I will work on it on the side to try to get it out for you all.


This is a beautiful website more than happy to pay for something like this. Please let me know if that is something we can work out? Also we will pay for setup!

I will download it if were inside game not trough a web. But well maybe i can try it.