Interaction Circle,

Hello everyone and anyone that can help. I am currently using ESX frame work and am trying to change the action circles EX: the circle you walk in to buy cars, buy market items, enter hospital, etc.

If anyone knows how to change this please respond or link me with a resource.

Look in the client.lua. What are you trying to change?

Trying to change the circle that you walk into at the job center, market, hospital, garage etc.

Trying to change the color, width, height, place?

Mainly the color and size

I think that resource is esx_shops. So go to your config and search this (first lines):

Config.DrawDistance = 100
Config.Size         = {x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 1.5}
Config.Color        = {r = 0, g = 128, b = 255}
Config.Type         = 1
Config.Locale = 'en'

To change the Size, edit the Config.Size, and the color edit the Config.Color
To change the type of marker edit the Config.Type, you can find those here: https://wiki.■■■■■■■■■■■/index.php?title=Marker

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what @Yadiiiig said and others like

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Hi there how do I change height of the markers?

Can you figure out how I change the height of the markers?

how would I change the height of it?

Open config.lua in esx_shops and then change the “z = “ under Config.Zones for each shop