Good afternoon,
After this latest patch for FiveM, I have a server (which is kinda full sometimes) but now i’m having an issues (Since update) People are getting DC randomly i guess server crashes & when they all join again few make it into the correct world but few don’t & server makes a new instances (fake world) Only way i’ve found to fix this issue is for hard-restart.
Is it something FiveM staff are looking into (Its got worse since the new patch)
I have instancing issues too. I don’t have this particular error, but I have long server frames occuring (30msec to 7000msec) that will cause major desync, and cause players to be put into their own sessions/instances separate from all other players
We are having the same issues too, players are constantly getting instanced and it’s driving them nuts. The only way we can fix that is to hard restart the server. We have scripts depending on all players being in the same instance.
Same here after latest update. Hard reset of the server fixes it for only a few minutes then its back to long server frames and people desync and get put into their own instance. Wasn’t like this before . Even running a vanilla server with the default resources and nothing else added is doing the same exact thing.
Sorry but something as happened, It was working great since 1 month ago (can’t remember what patch) & for all above using fiveM & different servers having same issue. Something is wrong with FiveM right?
Im running a full machine not a vps on a gigabit connection, so no shared resources anywhere and nothing overloaded. Server was only using 60MBs of ram with it jumping from 0% to 1% cpu usage with 5 of us on. Like others have stated, this only started happening after the latest client update. Also doesn’t matter if your only running a vanilla server with no extra scripts, clients still desync and be put into their own instance within 2 to 5 minutes of joining. Very weird and interesting to say the least On Friday last week, I was playing for a few hours with friends without a hitch. Thx for the reply @niobium <3
EDIT: I’ve just joined a few servers and still getting desync issue, but whats weird, even tho i may be instanced by myself, I can still see people talking in the server and i can talk back to them in chat no problem just cant see each other.
Please enable the network graph in the console (F8, Set-NetGraph $true) and share, perhaps, screenshots or video recordings of the network graph (perhaps using ShadowPlay/ReLive?) when clients end up dropping/the server hitches.
How do you want us to provide a network graph recording? Screenshot system resources? Run a program to create a file that you can run to play back the usage?
You might already have something if you gave details, not just a one line request. You guys want details from us, we need the same when you make requests so you get what you want back.
Read the thread, then ask again. And yup, I don’t experience instancing with every server either, but then again I’m not staying on other servers long enough for instancing to happen.
Alighty, we just had instancing going on. 4 players went into 2 more instances and dropped off the main instance while everyone else stayed on. The four players were able to chat with everyone on the main instance, but that’s it. I took a screen shot of the system usage with a network graph shortly after the instancing started, but can’t attach the image to the post, something is going wrong and the “can’t upload the file” message doesn’t tell me what’s wrong.
Not sure if it sheds any more light on the matter, but if somebody is AFK in my server for about 20-30 min, it will tell me they timed out (in the server console), but they will be in their own instance. They can still communicate with the server and other players via chat, but they don’t actually see other players in the map or on the scoreboard.