Insomnia RP, Newly Developed, 18+ No WL Application [QB]

:crescent_moon: Insomnia Awakened

Our FiveM server opening our 2.0 version May 17th for semi serious role-play. 18+ No whitelist application! A place with many opportunities for criminals, police, medical, civilians and car enthusiasts!

We strive and work with the community to make this city enjoyable for all whether that is suggestions, bug fixes, or our teams dedication. Come check out the new city with many custom ideas and scripts.

:sparkles: Features
:tada: - We are newly developed, up to date, with a fresh start to all.

:red_car: - Affordable starter vehicles, and many opportunities for car enthusiasts like customizations, car shows, and the ability to one of one a vehicle.

:briefcase: - Many unique and collectible items hidden within the city.

:pushpin: - Here in Insomnia we focus on quality of roleplay. We offer player owned businesses, Many MLO hangout locations, working arcades and trained emergency services.

:performing_arts: - For criminal activity, we believe in interactions and roleplay before ending a scene in handcuffs and jail. Story and well thought plans deserve to be recognized. Our development team plans to expand criminal activities for many possibilities

:deciduous_tree: - Cherry blossom trees, and large forest trees that makes a unique and beautiful city truly a see for your self experience.


18+ No Application, Bump!



Bump! Almost a month exactly until launch! Fast growing.


Bump! Less than a month until reset! Join us for a fresh start!

Bump! Less than two weeks!

Bump! 10 Days, fresh start to all!