Infinity voice bug with repro


Operating system: Linux
Artifact version: Latest 1972
Scripts : ~= 100
Onesync : Activated
Infinity : Activated


I created a script to split players into 5 mumble channels based on player coords and players nearby, i found out that there is an issue when enabling/disabling voip


Using infinity, when a client enable/disable the voip in the settings he won’t be able to set voice channel until a clear voice channel is done.


Requires :

  • At least 2 players and a server using Infinity/Bigmode
  • A script that set the voice channel to a defined channel every 250ms using :

Get player A and player B close enough to be able to talk and hear each others,
when both can hear each others, one of the two players should disable/enable voip,
Voila! you won’t be able to hear or talk even if you SET_VOICE_CHANNEL to the same voice channel until you use :



Keep in mind :

  • There is a script that : NetworkSetVoiceChannel every 250ms based on coords and players nearby.
  • Until 00:24 you’ll see that everything works as intended
  • At 00:25 I disable/enable VOIP and then i can’t hear the player nearby
  • At 00:31 I press my key that NetworkClearVoiceChannel() and then everything works as intended

Here we go, Video :

UP ! :slight_smile: that’s still a thing, did some test with a piece of code ferrum shared last week, here is an updated video and steps to reproduce :

  1. Go near another player
  2. Set on both client NetworkSetVoiceChannel(5) ( 5 for instance )
  3. You should hear each others
  4. Go on your settings and disable/enable again voip system
  5. You should not be able to hear the player and he should not be able to hear you.
  6. Set NetworkSetVoiceChannel() to a random channel other than the old one set on step 2 so NetworkSetVoiceChannel(6)
  7. Switch back to the same as on step 2 so NetworkSetVoiceChannel(5)
  8. Both players should hear each others.

Video :

Saturday Ferrum replied with :

ah, the “it doesn’t retry nor check current session state”
will probably be fixed next week only, won’t do much deploying during weekend, too risky

Which actually make sense, i’m just updating this post to keep the info somewhere.
Thanks for you time, here if you need any test.

Bump, That is still a thing tried today using artifact 2270 on linux.
Have a great day :slight_smile:

Same problem UP ! above 250 players it happens and you can’t hear players randomly

Not the “same problem” at all, this one was fixed months ago?

I just reproduced this one the same way, I actually managed to check what channel the player is currently in by using MumbleGetVoiceChannelFromServerId, it always returned 0 no matter what channel I set using NetworkSetVoiceChannel, until I turned voice off and on again on settings.

Pardon not the same way, it actually always returned 0 on a fresh start until I did the on/off trick.