Inconsistent Player Culling (1436 / 4478 Artifacts)

Over the last few days we’ve been seeing inconsistent player culling on our server.

We’re operating at a 64 player cap - and have no runaway resource consumers visible in client side resource monitor - profiler captures show entirely reasonable server side resource usage (and considering this seems to be purely player culling on the client, not super relevant) and netgraph usage also is reasonable.

As far as the server process is concerned these users are connected and in session - and client side users can even see their horses galloping away as they ride them - just no players visible on the horses.

In an effort to get any kind of hard data to support the belief this is player culling I began printing the output of GetActivePlayers, as well as enabling relevant developer debug commands.

In the below screenshots we have approximately 19 players relevant to my client - however I still saw one or two players horses galloping around without players.

To my knowledge, this is relatively new behavior - which confounds me as it began on 1355 after weeks of us using that client build - and seems to have continued into 1436.

In the attached screenshots you see the output of GetActivePlayers, as well as the OneSync debug prints regarding players my client is aware of.



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