I'm Looking for expert of "Weapon.META" 👨🏼‍🎓

I’m Looking for expert of “Weapon.META”

I’m trying to edit Weapon.meta to create a realistic weapon, but some of the code related to muzzle flash and smoke effects have omitted words and I’m having a hard time understanding what they mean. If you understand the meaning, your work efficiency will improve significantly, so I would appreciate it if you could let me know. :pray:t3:

[What I don’t particularly understand in the image is the following code.


Fx is usually short for “effects”, it’s a pretty common abbreviation that’s used in a bunch of places, not even just games :laughing: Further, SP most likely indicates behavior in the Singleplayer mode, and MP for Multiplayer - you’ll most likely want to mess only with the latter if this is for FiveM use.
If you cant decipher what something is you can always play around with the values and see what changes, BTW, but to me all of those params seem quite obvious.

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I see, thank you very much. I understand the meaning of MP and SP. If you know, could you please tell me the meaning of numbers 1, 2, and 3? I have no idea.

Sure - MuzzleSmokeFx is, well, “Muzzle Smoke Effects”, then MinLevel most likely means “minimum level”, IncPerShot and DecPerSec are possibly “Increase Per Shot” and “Decrease Per Second” respectively. And no, I dont know what those mean lol

Thank you for your thoughtful response. I hope I can find an article that explains these abbreviations lol :neutral_face: