[IIS] Body Worn Video | BWV | Bodycam Resource | Custom UI

bwv Body Worn Video Resource


Body Worn video makes frontline work so much safer. With this weapon at your disposal, you can record every incident and protect your side of the story in court! With custom UI’s and sound effects supporting both Axon and RevealMedia branded cameras, you’ll never have to watch another criminal go because of a lack of evidence.

A simple yet vital resource, this script automatically enables/disables the rockstar editor in order to record events whilst your camera is activated.


Click for Features
  • Configuration File
  • Reveal Media UI
  • Reveal Media Sounds
  • Axon UI
  • Axon Sounds
  • Clip Recording
  • Animations


Activating/Deactivating the Camera
By simply typing /bwv, you can quickly and easily activate and/or deactivate your body-worn device.

Seeing the UI
In order to see the UI, you must enter first person mode!


Literally just install like any other script! Extract the resource first and move the folder into your resourcers folder, then add ensure iis_bwv in your server.cfg! Simple as that.

Click me to download! (101.1 KB)


Premium. Thanks for this, merry Xmas

would you be able to make this as well on a keybinding?

where does the video go?

Its very simple,
First open client.lua
Second add “RegisterKeyMapping(‘bwv’, ‘activate bwv’, ‘keyboard’, ‘f10’)”

Here is an example

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and you change the key to any key you want I justed used f10 as an example

Really nice releases, merry xmas!

I created an amateur recording (sorry for my English)


hey im trying to trigger this for my police job what will be a good way to trigger event

this is what I have

AddEventHandler('IFS:bwv', function()
        local ped = PlayerPedId()
        while ( not HasAnimDictLoaded( "random@arrests" ) ) do
            RequestAnimDict( "random@arrests" )
            Citizen.Wait( 0 )
        if isBWVOn then
            TriggerServerEvent('IFS:BWVPlay_SV', 2.0, Config.Model .. '_out')
            TriggerServerEvent('IFS:BWVPlay_SV', 2.0, Config.Model .. '_in')
        isBWVOn = not isBWVOn
        TaskPlayAnim(ped, "random@arrests", "generic_radio_enter", 8.0, 2.0, 1000, 50, 2.0, 0, 0, 0 )


how did u get it to record with geforce and not rockstar editor bro ?

He/she is clearly using Rockstar editor…

my apologies im dumb AF :L

would it be possible to have this only usable by police? like add ESX.PlayerData.job == “police” in it?

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Is there a way to make it just an animation and not actually record? And where can I change the animation if I find a better one?

any way to make the script go check a sql database for the rank and name of the player?

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Can I release an edit of this and give you all full credit?

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Absolutely. I won’t be implementing any ESX features, but it’s entirely possible

Of course

Yep and yep! Simple remove the recording code, it’ll work without it. It’s just a couple lines of natives to start and stop recording, that’s all. And the animation change is even simpler

Well done! Thank you