Identify Player Script

Hello All,

Today I was thinking about making a cool script in chat, /id following the first 3 letters of a player’s name that is online, I would like this to result to print in chat that player’s ID, how many hours they have played, and how much money they have in hand.

I have attempted this but I’m not quite sure how to get the script to detect the first 3 letters and then compare them to all the online players and their names

Would appreciate it if anyone knows how to make this script and if they have time to help me out!

Many thanks!

I do something like this, actually it works with JS.

let players = []
let playersName = []

RegisterCommand('check', (rawCommands, args) => {
  players = []
  playersName = []
  players = GetActivePlayers()

  let letters = args[0]
  // if you type argument you will check all playerlist if not just print playerlist
  if (letters) 
    let found = false
    let i
    // for each element i array check:
    for( i = 0; i < playersName.length; i++) {
      //1. if you write all name and it exist => true
      if (playersName[i].name == letters) {
        found = true
      //2. when you type some letters and they exist in someone nickname => true
      else if(playersName[i].name.includes(letters)) {
        found = true
      // If script find user print it to console
      if (found) {
    // if not to find print to console
    if (!found) console.log(`I don't find that player :v`)

}, false)

function convertToObject(element) {
  id = element
  name = GetPlayerName(element)
  // transferm all nicks to lower case
  name = name.toLowerCase()
  const object = {'id': id, 'name': name }
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That’s great!

How exactly should I do this as in what resource would I put it in.?

Many thanks