idART Vape Prop

idRP Vape addon props and QBCore Script

Version 1.0

Purchase Props here:

Preview link:

Place idrp_vapes in your resource folder and ensure in config.

Inventory images included

Keep and eye on Keymaster for new models being uploaded.

The Models are protected by Escrow do not ask for them to be removed.
idrp_vape_morph idrp_vape_gred idrp_vape_gblue idrp_vape_gcyan idrp_vape_ggreen idrp_vape_gpurple idrp_vape_gyellow
idrp_vape_lgblue idrp_vape_lgcyan idrp_vape_lggreen idrp_vape_lgred idrp_vape_lgyellow

| Code is accessible | Yes
| Subscription-based | No
| Lines (approximately) | 300
| Requirements | NA
| Support | Yes

ESX/OX_Lib any plans?

Working on it atm.

Thnx, got a copy

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Hi, have this working on my test server, however would like to have some feedback from people who are more familiar with ESX/ox-lib than myself. My skills are more towards Graphic Art than script development.

Testing this today, thank you for your prompt reply! I will let you know!

Original script is outdated and will not be updated.

Additional props added:

idrp_vape_mmorph idrp_vape_mblue idrp_vape_mcyan idrp_vape_mgreen idrp_vape_myellow idrp_vape_mpurple idrp_vape_mred