[iCore] iMining: Simple realistic mining

This is simple realistic mining for iCore.


  • Automatic find mining point in range.
  • Disable PvP when mining for anti wrong killing actions.
  • Using attack actions for realistic physical effect with the stone ore.
  • Earning stone, iron ore, copper ore, gold ore… by configurable.
  • Configurable for tools and weapons can using for mining job.


Code is accessible Configurable
Subscription-based Yes/No
Lines (approximately) 100
Requirements iCore
Support Yes

This animation is very clean, do you mind sharing it ? ( just the dict / anim name )

This is not animations, this is melee fight normal, bro.

Oh, so you just spam click attack, alright. Well those are still animations anyway, also i’m wondering now what would happen if someone go next to you when you “attack” the rock, pretty sure GTA will auto target the nearest player x)

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You place a working variable, if working then disable pvp at this time.

Mmh true, just need to hope there is no weird script making pvp on in a loop :smiley:

no bro, just put it when start and end working variable that you want.

Cool as always defenetly worth using this.
And a little question was the other guy in the video Dying or something? :joy:

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He just afk, this is my friend and always help me testing something.

Yeah nothing wrong with that just funny what noises he was doing xD

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I know that, i’m talkign about other random script that can do that

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