I want working jail script for policejob and animations?

Is here like jailing script for policejob/animation for handcuff and that it doesn’t freeze when at cuffs so you could move and drugs would be nice script aswel.

So you want something that doesn’t freeze your screen when cuffed? Because making a cuff script is not hard, and there is alot of drug scripts

I can’t find drug script that works for real. And I can’t make that policejob animation and uhh unfreeze

COKE DRUG - [Release] Erratic_coke - A plane coke run

after the animation use
local ped = PlayerPedId()

Man you got good jail script for policejob? :slight_smile:

https://github.com/esx-community/esx_jail this is i got

It works just fine with policejob esx?


		{label = _U('fine'),			value = 'fine'},
		{label = _U('jail'),			value = 'jail'}
		if data2.current.value == 'jail' then


function JailPlayer(player)
	ESX.UI.Menu.Open('dialog', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'jail_menu', {
		title = _U('jail_menu_info'),
	}, function (data2, menu)
		local jailTime = tonumber(data2.value)
		if jailTime == nil then
			ESX.ShowNotification('invalid number!')
			TriggerServerEvent("esx_jail:sendToJail", player, jailTime * 60)
	end, function (data2, menu)

Having problem input if data2.current where it exactly goes

esx_policejob.zip (60.9 KB)

This is mine customized script with 11 police grades.

Well you got so much stuff in that woah. I need like simple drug and jail menu I try to look how you got it working with your file but thanks!

you can open jail menu with /jailmenu and /jail [id] [time] manually without any needed F6 police menu

Yes f6 menu doesn’t really work.

If you got any good scripts hit me up, I want to make my server a bit better .'D

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