please i need the function to remove and put mask with command /mask
/mas - put mask
/mask(again) - remove mask
Which mask? I could make something for you, but I need to know which mask it should use on default.
Or do you want it to be like that:
/mask 1
(2, 3, 4, 5 etc.)
We need more informations
i choose my mask in vrp skinshop, i say comand and remove mask or put again
Can you please makes this?
Make it so like balaclava and stuff like in my opionion bank robbery masks would be good for me
Mask shop i have, i need command to put and remove
This mask shop script is VRP? If so, could you send it to me?
no it’s ESX with some custom coding behind it. (for the menus).
get off of that old framework.
They say the ESX is hard to set up, so I prefer to stay at VRP, and also upgraded the VRP on the 19th. Can you tell me if it is difficult to deal with ESX?
No offense from the devs that are releasing content keep it coming, but some are very poor written and comes with quite a bit of bugs that need to be worked out.
I believe you tube and the forums would be a great resources.
If you wanted to move to ESX, I would do it local and get the basics set up, then move it to where ever your vrp is set up. When your ready to test it live just shut down the vrp and turn on the ESX.
I would also suggest, depending on your player count, if you have something that is working, don’t change it.
The, if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.
There are also hundreds of servers out there to play on.
yes is vrp, i created a command, remove mask but no working part to put
i need the command to sync in database
RegisterNetEvent( 'maskon' )
AddEventHandler( 'maskon', function()
if (GetEntityModel(GetPlayerPed(-1)) == freemode) then
mask = not mask
if mask then
SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 1, 1, 0, 1) --put
SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 1, 0, 0, 1) --remove
the line of command --put , need to takemy customization in database vrp_user_data
did you find a way to make the script work ??? I really want that script.
I also really want this script
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