I need help with the VMenu resource

I am making a new server and I am setting up permissions for the VMenu resource, The problem I am having is that for some reason unknown to me I am an Admin and I haven’t set up any ranks in VMenu yet. I am trying to test out the permissions for regular players to make sure that regular players don’t have access to game breaking commands/menu options but I can’t do any self Dev testing if I have access to all the commands. So far what I have done to make sure that my problem is that I am seen as an Admin is I have toggled the “vMenu.DontBanMe” on and off for the Admin group and when the option is toggled on I am unable to ban myself, When it is toggled off I am able to ban myself so I am pretty sure it sees me as an Admin even though I haven’t set up any permissions that would give the resource any reason to see me as an Admin. I have no other added resources and am hosting this on my own PC at the moment.

Here is the permissions file for VMenu.



For help, see https://docs.vespura.com/vmenu/configuration


WARNING, if you set “use_permissions” to false, a ‘default’ permissions system will be used.

this makes sure that EVERYONE on the server can do EVERYTHING, besides, banning, unbanning,

kicking and killing using the Online Players menu.

setr vmenu_use_permissions true

WARNING, if you enable the option below, then only players with the “vMenu.Staff”

permission will be able to use vMenu. Not recommended.

setr vmenu_menu_staff_only false

Any valid control ID can be used here.

setr vmenu_menu_toggle_key 288
#setr vmenu_noclip_toggle_key 289

Keeps spawned vehicles from de-spawning if ‘replace previous vehicle’ is disabled.

setr vmenu_keep_spawned_vehicles_persistent false

Automatically ban cheaters? This feature is not 100% reliable so that’s why it’s disabled

by default.

setr vmenu_auto_ban_cheaters true
setr vmenu_auto_ban_cheaters_ban_message “You have been flagged for use of an unauthorized client modification and automatically banned. If you believe this was done by error, please use the appropriate discord channel for appeal.”

Log ban actions to the “vmenu.log” file?

setr vmenu_log_ban_actions true

Log kick actions to the “vmenu.log” file?

setr vmenu_log_kick_actions true

This option will enable compatibility mode for els and other siren-control scripts by

disabling vMenu’s control over vehicle sirens completely.

setr vmenu_use_els_compatibility_mode false

When you set this to true, it will leave the current game session if a player uses the

rockstar editor button in the recording options menu. (false by default).

setr vmenu_quit_session_in_rockstar_editor false

Here you can set some info about your server which will be displayed in the “About Menu”.

The first one is just a small description message where you can tell the user about your community.

Keep it short though, because the description box’s size is limited.

The second convar is for the url/domain name of your community, which will be displayed as a label on

the right side of the info button. examples: https://www.vespura.com/hi/i/2018-12-09_23-43_9b003_349.png

setr vmenu_server_info_message “California State Roleplay DOJRP Based, discord: www.CaliforniaStateofRP.com/discord
setr vmenu_server_info_website_url “www.CaliforniaStateofRP.com

Set the keybind that will be used for the ‘teleport to waypoint’ keybind

Only used if enabled in the menu by the user, and if the user has permission

to use the Teleport to Waypoint button in the Misc Settings submenu. This will

only be active when the keyboard is being used. Controllers will not trigger this

keybind unless the keyboard/mouse is being used at the same game frame.

#setr vmenu_teleport_to_wp_keybind_key 168 # 168 / F7 by default

If you set this to true, then players will not be able to spawn as their default

saved multiplayer character whenever they join or respawn. This includes all staff members as well.

This does NOT disable the “restore player appearance” option for non-mp peds.

setr vmenu_disable_spawning_as_default_character false

Recommended to leave this disabled, but if you REALLY want to use animals as player peds then go ahead and enable this.

You have been warned, this WILL cause game crashes to occur regularly.

setr vmenu_enable_animals_spawn_menu false

Sets the PVP mode, 0 = do nothing, 1 = enable pvp (friendly fire) for everyone, 2 = disable pvp (friendly fire) for everyone.

Note this is only set ONCE when the player joins. This is not forced every tick, other resources or client mods are able to override this.

Default: 0

setr vmenu_pvp_mode 0

Set this to true if you don’t want vMenu to use any server information convars.

setr vmenu_disable_server_info_convars false

Distance for playerblips to showup. This is using “game units” as measurement. It’s unknown

what this is in relation to meters or something similar, but 500.0 seems fine in most cases.

setr vmenu_player_names_distance 500.0

Disables the entity model outlines, model hashes, entity handles development tools section.

setr vmenu_disable_entity_outlines_tool false

This message gets added at the end of all ban messages, use this to show users where they can contact the server staff team in case

they want to appeal it or if they have any questions.

setr vmenu_default_ban_message_information “Please contact the staff team by going to the “Ban Appeals” channel in our discord if you want to appeal this ban.”

Weather options

Set this to false to disable weather sync from vMenu globally.

setr vmenu_enable_weather_sync “true”

Set this to false to disable dynamic (automatic) weather changes.

setr vmenu_enable_dynamic_weather “true”

The number of minutes between dynamic weather time changes. Value must be greater than 0.

setr vmenu_dynamic_weather_timer 60

Sets the default weather type

setr vmenu_current_weather “clear”

Whether or not artificial lights (blackout mode) is enabled by default.

setr vmenu_blackout_enabled “false”

Weather change duration in whole seconds, default value is 30. Value must be between 0 and 45 (inclusive).

setr vmenu_weather_change_duration 30

Time options

Set this to false to disable time sync from vMenu globally.

setr vmenu_enable_time_sync “true”

Set this to true if you want time to be frozen by default.

setr vmenu_freeze_time “false”

This setting determines how long one in-game minute lasts in real time.

By default, one GTA V minute, takes 2 seconds (2000 miliseconds).

The value here is measured in miliseconds, and must be a positive number at least greater than 100.

setr vmenu_ingame_minute_duration 2000

Set the default in-game hour when the server is started. Value must be between 0 and 23 (inclusive).

setr vmenu_current_hour 7

Set the default in-game minute when the server is started. Value must be between 0 and 59 (inclusive).

setr vmenu_current_minute 0

Setting this to true, will sync the in-game time to the system time of the server.

Enabling this will prevent you from setting a custom time, freezing the time and changing the time duration.

setr vmenu_sync_to_machine_time “false”



For help, see https://docs.vespura.com/vmenu/permissions-ref





Add players to any group you want, can be group.admin, group.moderator or any other group. you want.

Admin group players:

#add_principal identifier.steam:1100001087cc934 group.admin
#add_principal identifier.license:4510587c13e0b645eb8d24bc104601792277ab98 group.admin

Moderator group players:

#add_principal identifier.steam:1100001087cc934 group.moderator
#add_principal identifier.license:4510587c13e0b645eb8d24bc104601792277ab98 group.moderator




Setup group inheritance, it’s probably best you don’t touch this unless you know what you’re doing.

add_principal group.admin group.moderator






#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.Everything” allow # (Don’t touch this, unless you’re stupid or you know what you’re doing :^) !)

Prevent admins from getting banned/kicked from the server.

add_ace group.admin “vMenu.DontKickMe” allow

add_ace group.admin “vMenu.DontBanMe” allow

If the menu is set to menu_staff_only, then this will allow moderators and admins to use the menu.

add_ace group.moderator “vMenu.Staff” allow

Allow anyone to use noclip.

#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.NoClip” allow



add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.OnlinePlayers.Menu” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.OnlinePlayers.All” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.OnlinePlayers.Teleport” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.OnlinePlayers.Waypoint” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.OnlinePlayers.Spectate” allow

Moderators & admins only:

add_ace group.moderator “vMenu.OnlinePlayers.Summon” allow
add_ace group.moderator “vMenu.OnlinePlayers.Kill” allow
add_ace group.moderator “vMenu.OnlinePlayers.Kick” allow

Tempban allows bans up to 30 days, which is enough for moderators.

Mods can also see the banned players list but will not be able to unban players.

add_ace group.moderator “vMenu.OnlinePlayers.TempBan” allow
add_ace group.moderator “vMenu.OnlinePlayers.ViewBannedPlayers” allow

Admins are allowed to ban players permanently and also unban players.

add_ace group.admin “vMenu.OnlinePlayers.Identifiers” allow
add_ace group.admin “vMenu.OnlinePlayers.PermBan” allow
add_ace group.admin “vMenu.OnlinePlayers.Unban” allow

This is not allowed for anyone by default, but if you really want it enabled then

I suggest you only enable this for the server owner/head of your staff team.

add_ace group.admin “vMenu.OnlinePlayers.SeePrivateMessages” allow



add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerOptions.Menu” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerOptions.All” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerOptions.God” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerOptions.Invisible” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerOptions.UnlimitedStamina” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerOptions.FastRun” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerOptions.FastSwim” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerOptions.Superjump” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerOptions.NoRagdoll” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerOptions.NeverWanted” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerOptions.SetWanted” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerOptions.Ignored” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerOptions.StayInVehicle” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerOptions.MaxHealth” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerOptions.MaxArmor” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerOptions.CleanPlayer” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerOptions.DryPlayer” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerOptions.WetPlayer” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerOptions.VehicleAutoPilotMenu” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerOptions.Freeze” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerOptions.Scenarios” allow



add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.Menu” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.All” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.God” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.KeepClean” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.Repair” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.Wash” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.Engine” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.BikeSeatbelt” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.SpeedLimiter” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.ChangePlate” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.Mod” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.Colors” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.Liveries” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.Components” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.Doors” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.Windows” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.Freeze” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.Invisible” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.TorqueMultiplier” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.PowerMultiplier” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.Flip” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.Alarm” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.CycleSeats” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.EngineAlwaysOn” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.NoSiren” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.NoHelmet” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.Lights” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.FixOrDestroyTires” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.Delete” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.Underglow” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.FlashHighbeamsOnHonk” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.DisableTurbulence” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.InfiniteFuel” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.VOFlares” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleOptions.VOPlaneBombs” allow



add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Menu” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.All” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.DisableReplacePrevious” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.SpawnByName” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Addon” allow # allows you to spawn an addon car from the Addon Vehicles list.
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Compacts” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Sedans” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.SUVs” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Coupes” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Muscle” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.SportsClassic” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Sports” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Super” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Motorcycles” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.OffRoad” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Industrial” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Utility” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Vans” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Cycles” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Boats” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Helicopters” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Planes” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Service” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Emergency” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Military” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Commercial” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Trains” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VehicleSpawner.OpenWheel” allow



add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.SavedVehicles.Menu” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.SavedVehicles.All” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.SavedVehicles.Spawn” allow



add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PersonalVehicle.Menu” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PersonalVehicle.All” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PersonalVehicle.ToggleEngine” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PersonalVehicle.ToggleLights” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PersonalVehicle.KickPassengers” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PersonalVehicle.LockDoors” allow # This grants both locking and unlocking the doors.
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PersonalVehicle.Doors” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PersonalVehicle.SoundHorn” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PersonalVehicle.ToggleAlarm” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PersonalVehicle.AddBlip” allow # Adds a blip for your personal vehicle only.
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PersonalVehicle.ExclusiveDriver” allow # Allows you to become the exclusive driver of this vehicle.



add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerAppearance.Menu” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerAppearance.All” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerAppearance.Customize” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerAppearance.SpawnSaved” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerAppearance.SpawnNew” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.PlayerAppearance.AddonPeds” allow




Restricted to moderators/admins by default.

add_ace group.moderator “vMenu.TimeOptions.Menu” allow
add_ace group.moderator “vMenu.TimeOptions.All” allow
#add_ace group.moderator “vMenu.TimeOptions.FreezeTime” allow
#add_ace group.moderator “vMenu.TimeOptions.SetTime” allow




Also restricted to moderators/admins by default.

add_ace group.moderator “vMenu.WeatherOptions.Menu” allow
add_ace group.moderator “vMenu.WeatherOptions.All” allow
#add_ace group.moderator “vMenu.WeatherOptions.Dynamic” allow
#add_ace group.moderator “vMenu.WeatherOptions.Blackout” allow
#add_ace group.moderator “vMenu.WeatherOptions.SetWeather” allow
#add_ace group.moderator “vMenu.WeatherOptions.RemoveClouds” allow
#add_ace group.moderator “vMenu.WeatherOptions.RandomizeClouds” allow



add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Menu” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.All” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.GetAll” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.RemoveAll” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.UnlimitedAmmo” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.NoReload” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Spawn” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.SpawnByName” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.SetAllAmmo” allow


If you remove the “vMenu.WeaponOptions.All” permission, you can specify specific

weapons that players can access using the weapon options menu by granting permissions

for every weapon that you want to allow below. “vMenu.WeaponOptions.All” automatically grants all weapons.

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.APPistol” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.AdvancedRifle” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.AssaultRifle” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.AssaultRifleMk2” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.AssaultSMG” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.AssaultShotgun” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.BZGas” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Ball” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Bat” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.BattleAxe” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Bottle” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.BullpupRifle” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.BullpupRifleMk2” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.BullpupShotgun” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.CarbineRifle” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.CarbineRifleMk2” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.CombatMG” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.CombatMGMk2” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.CombatPDW” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.CombatPistol” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.CompactGrenadeLauncher” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.CompactRifle” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Crowbar” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Dagger” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.DoubleAction” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.DoubleBarrelShotgun” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.FireExtinguisher” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Firework” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Flare” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.FlareGun” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Flashlight” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.GolfClub” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Grenade” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.GrenadeLauncher” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.GrenadeLauncherSmoke” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Gusenberg” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Hammer” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Hatchet” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.HeavyPistol” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.HeavyShotgun” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.HeavySniper” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.HeavySniperMk2” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.HomingLauncher” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Knife” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.KnuckleDuster” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.MG” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Machete” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.MachinePistol” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.MarksmanPistol” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.MarksmanRifle” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.MarksmanRifleMk2” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.MicroSMG” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.MiniSMG” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Minigun” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Molotov” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Musket” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.NightVision” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Nightstick” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Parachute” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.PetrolCan” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.PipeBomb” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Pistol” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Pistol50” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.PistolMk2” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.PoolCue” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.ProximityMine” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.PumpShotgun” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.PumpShotgunMk2” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.RPG” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Railgun” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Revolver” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.RevolverMk2” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.SMG” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.SMGMk2” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.SNSPistol” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.SNSPistolMk2” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.SawnOffShotgun” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.SmokeGrenade” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.SniperRifle” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Snowball” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.SpecialCarbine” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.SpecialCarbineMk2” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.StickyBomb” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.StunGun” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.SweeperShotgun” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.SwitchBlade” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Unarmed” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.VintagePistol” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.Wrench” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.PlasmaPistol” allow # xmas 2018 dlc (1604)

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.PlasmaCarbine” allow # xmas 2018 dlc (1604)

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.PlasmaMinigun” allow # xmas 2018 dlc (1604)

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponOptions.StoneHatchet” allow # xmas 2018 dlc (1604)



#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponLoadouts.Menu” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponLoadouts.All” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponLoadouts.Equip” allow

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.WeaponLoadouts.EquipOnRespawn” allow




There is no vMenu.MiscSettings.Menu permission on purpose, some options in the misc settings menu

should ALWAYS be allowed, so you can’t restrict the opening of this menu!

#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.MiscSettings.All” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.MiscSettings.ClearArea” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.MiscSettings.TeleportToWp” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.MiscSettings.TeleportToCoord” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.MiscSettings.ShowCoordinates” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.MiscSettings.ShowLocation” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.MiscSettings.JoinQuitNotifs” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.MiscSettings.DeathNotifs” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.MiscSettings.NightVision” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.MiscSettings.ThermalVision” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.MiscSettings.LocationBlips” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.MiscSettings.OverheadNames” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.MiscSettings.PlayerBlips” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.MiscSettings.TeleportLocations” allow
add_ace group.moderator “vMenu.MiscSettings.TeleportSaveLocation” allow # Only allowed for moderators by default
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.MiscSettings.ConnectionMenu” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.MiscSettings.RestoreAppearance” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.MiscSettings.RestoreWeapons” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.MiscSettings.DriftMode” allow




To disable vMenu’s voice chat options, simply remove this section completely and vMenu won’t touch voice chat at all.

add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VoiceChat.Menu” allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VoiceChat.All” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VoiceChat.Enable” allow
add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.VoiceChat.ShowSpeaker” allow

Staff voice channel is restricted to moderators/admins by default.

add_ace group.moderator “vMenu.VoiceChat.StaffChannel” allow

I have also exec’d VMenu permissions from server.cfg because most of it works I just can’t seem to figure out why I am an “Admin”
If you need any more information from me let me know. Thanks.

First off this is a community based forum support is never guaranteed. You could also ask in original authors resource topic or do a little searching while you wait.

On to your issue are you using txadmin to start and manage your server?

No I am just running it from a .bat starting script and closing the console to shut it down. I just have the one resource VMenu. So far the only thing done is configure the server to the point of a functional vanilla server and then added and configured VMenu with the above configuration options. Sorry for the snippity comment earlier on I am trying to learn Lua while setting up test server with some already created resources as well as my own. I’m finding it hard to find good information on the Lua language itself and I am also finding it hard to find documentation on using Lua to code FiveM resources. It’s also proving to be just as hard getting resources that others have made to work the way they are intended and it’s all making me rather bitter. So I do appreciate you still trying to help even though I came off rude.

In your server.cfg do you have any add principles there?

I commented out the spot for perms in server.cfg. I posted the contents just waiting for it to be approved.

Only change the IP if you’re using a server with multiple network interfaces, otherwise change the port only.

endpoint_add_tcp “”

endpoint_add_udp “”

Resources will start from resources.cfg

exec resources.cfg

This allows players to use scripthook-based plugins such as the legacy Lambda Menu.

sv_scriptHookAllowed 0

Uncomment this and set a password to enable RCON.

#rcon_password “”

A comma-separated list of tags for your server.

sets tags “dojrp, rp, police, cops, vmenu, roleplay, california, csrp, prison, role-play, gang, gangrp, custom”

A valid locale identifier for your server’s primary language.

sets locale “en-US”

Set an optional server info and connecting banner image url.

#sets banner_detail “https://url.to/image.png

#sets banner_connecting “https://url.to/image.png

Set your server’s hostname

sv_hostname “California State Roleplay”

Nested configs!

#exec server_internal.cfg

Loading a server icon (96x96 PNG file)

#load_server_icon myLogo.png

convars which can be used in scripts

set temp_convar “hey world!”

Remove the # from the below line if you do not want your server to be listed in the server browser.

#sv_master1 “”

Add system admins

#add_ace group.admin command allow # allow all commands

#add_ace group.admin command.quit deny # but don’t allow quit

#add_principal identifier.fivem:1 group.admin # add the admin to the group

enable OneSync (required for server-side state awareness)

set onesync on

Server player slot limit (see https://fivem.net/server-hosting for limits)

sv_maxclients 48

Steam Web API key, if you want to use Steam authentication (https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey)

set steam_webApiKey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

License key

exec license.cfg

Anyone have any ideas on how I can join my server to test as a regular player? I still can’t seem to find the answer to this no matter how many times I try. Is it just because I am running it home hosted at the moment and the server recognizes my ip as the host ip so it automatically assumes I need admin privilege’s?

ask in the original topic!

the noclip open only with f2 even i have change the keybind

Reply to this: vMenu

hello.i also need hep with vmenu.Iwould like to ask how can i possibly edit vmenu existing clothes.for example i want to edit the vest number 4 but how can i do that?.thanks

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