I have a error @ox_inventory/data/items.lua:13: <eof> exspected near '[' plz help me

Continuing the discussion from Ox inventory error i need help plz:

Send the items.lua of ox_inventory over here

now im getting this im a send both files thank you for your help
init.lua (6.0 KB)
items.lua (28.4 KB)

these are all the codes showing up i had no issues

You missed a comma on line 1612 to close out the sub-table entry, add a comma after the curly bracket ( } ) and it’ll work

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This is the solution. Try it or replace the item.lua I send here

items.lua (28.4 KB)

bout to try it thank you for all your support truly thank you

thanks so much for the hard work and support im a do that now thanks so much

It seems like adding the missing comma on line 1612 resolved the issue. For future reference, double-checking the syntax of tables and ensuring each entry is properly closed with commas can help prevent similar errors. If any more issues arise, a thorough review of the entire file for syntax consistency might be useful. Glad to hear it’s working now!