I get a error that i can't fix

Hello everyone,
I have made a script (with a little help of youtube) where you can set a text and the next time you join you see that text in the chat but, i get a error that i can’t fix it has to do with getting the license identifier on line 18.
Please help


Assuming that is a server-side code.
When executing a command on the server console, the source returns 0, so you need to register the command content in an event and trigger it on the client-side command

RegisterNetEvent("welcomeText", function(text)
    local player = source
    -- Do something with the text and source


RegisterCommand("welcomeText", function(_, args)
     local text = args[1]
    TriggerServerEvent("welcomeText",  text)

o i’m sorry i had that but i didn’t incude that but, this is the client side code:

RegisterCommand("test", function ()
end, false)

And yes the script above is server side.

The error message says the first parameter (in your case source) of the serverside function is null. It is because on the clientside you trigger welkom:show without any parameter.

Just remove the source parameter of your serverside welkom:show function and then it should work!

Alternatively you can keep the source parameter and trigger the welkom:show event as follows:

TriggerServerEvent('welkom:show', PlayerID())

This will pass the ID of the Player to your serverside ‘welkom:show’ function.