I don't know what the name is of my inventory?


I made an ESX server with a friend of mine a while ago, but I want to replace the inventory. Unfortunately, that friend is no longer alive and I can’t ask what it’s called.

Can you send names what an inventory can be called? ESX_inventory or inventory is not included.

Thank you in advance.

If you want to replace the Standart ESX inventory ,you need to disable in es_extended in the config.lua
Config.EnableDefaultInventory = false – [false=disable , true=enable]

es_extended.rar (153.2 KB)
This is my es_extended

Can it also be in another form?

I rather you to update your ESX

But then i need to make a whole new server right, or can I update it to the next ESX version without making a new server?

You can just replace it