I don't have the option to call ems (VRP)

Hi friends, I don’t have the option to call ems when you’re in a coma or if there isn’t an ems, the option to go to the hospital

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Hi there,

You would have to add it in the .json file. The number is ambulance. Just copy the police numer and change everything named ‘police’ to ‘ambulance’.

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where that option was, because I search and I have nothing like that

You’re going to want vrp_hotkeys.

Here is a github for one version, please read the readme to get it to work properly.

You can put the option to call when you are in a comma with the “E”, but the alert does not reach ems, do you know what it can be?

It says in the README

Must add emergency.doc permissions to your on duty EMS job.

I already did it and nothing, when you call from the phone the notification arrives but when you notify while you’re in a coma it doesn’t arrive

Then my suggestion would be to put some print() in the code to see where your failure point is.

and what would that be?

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