I can't see my server on main list of servers

It happened suddenly I guess this is a reason: Changes regarding FiveM servers

My server disappeared from server list. I am using 446 build and i generated licence from here: https://keymaster.fivem.net

I tried reconfigure port forwarding and re-chek internal and external ports in my firewall also I tried disable it all.

Additionally I followed here: My Server Isnt Showing up but you can direct connect
and still nothing. What i do wrong? Before everything work well. Thanks for any help

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Let a second heartbeat come and it should work

If you say so. Probably I waited a lot longer than an extra heartbeat. I will try it.

So I got an extra one heartbeat and still i can’t see my server :confused:

What’s your server ip?

Router ip:
My adapter network ipv4 ip:

It is important?

Before also, it was like in this picture.

Possible that I did set port forwarding wrong. How should be internal and external port? Now I have set to 30120 I think so. During set ports i have a little problem. I can’t set internal and external port same. So I set it as I could. I tried different combinations:

I don’t know what to do anymore. It’s funny a configuration of port forwarding was the same which I set before because above picture showing and could see my server on list and I was able to join there.

Any new updates on the situation? Going through the same thing :expressionless:


Is your local Ip address correct? As in, your router is fowarding it to the correct internal IP weather it be 10.0.0.X or 192.268.1.X?

Are you able to connect by going to settings, and clicking enable localhost option and joining that way? In direct connect typing

Internal and External port should be the same…

What kind of router do you have?

Hi, my local IP is: and yes when I try throught click on localhost join to my server i will connect. I did to change ports on firewall again. Actually I don’t know, how my server suddenly was found in list of servers. But… when I try to join i can read this:

After 3 attemp I get error and app FiveM crash. My friend was try to join my server and He also get the same what the picture above.

My router name is: Orange funbox 2.0

Not sure if cursing is allowed on this forum, so let me put it this way.

What the *%&! is an “Orange Funbox” router?!?!

Moving on, Whats the “crash message” is it a timing out? Is it a full game crash with an error code?

If its timing out thats it not connecting to your server. The fact that you can connect on localhost shows its either an IP thing or a port fowarding thing.

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