I can't join and arror!

What is the issue you’re having?

I received error 403. My brother told me to wait a week because it’s via Internet and I have a very good Internet. The best package. I waited and nothing worked. Shortly thereafter, error 56 appeared and I still couldn’t log in. I went to contact the administration of this server and they couldn’t help me. I reset the router twice, deleted the Data files and still nothing, so I wrote an e-mail to you and they told me to make a VPN and gave me the link, I did it. There was no error. Only when it was loading it wrote connect 1, 2, 3, 4 and it appeared at the end connect 3 The connection failed, so I turned off the antivirus, it loads me normally on the server, when it loads completely and I’m already in After a while the game crashes and the command says something. I don’t know what to do anymore, can someone help me?

What have you tried already to fix the issue?

Reset Router , Istall VPN , contact administration server , Antyvirus OFF

What server did you get this issue on?


Error screenshot(s)

Windows version

Windows 11

System specifications

GPU: 1650
CPU: I don’t remember
16GBs of ram

Antivirus software


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Do you have the same or similar issues on any other servers? Try a few, for a test.

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The servers I have tested and connect commands display the same thing:
TrujcaRDM - Yes
Neonrp - no only error 56 ( OFF VPN )

AdralinaRP Connect 1 , 2 ,3 4 and connection error
It’s different on many servers, but mostly it’s the same. I don’t have the strength. I’ve been trying to fix it for a week now and nothing works…

Alright, your issue is that you have a horribly unreliable network, contact your ISP for help.

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But it can’t be Internet. I have the best Internet package from the very top, it can’t be better and everything works fine for me, sometimes I get Dedos in Minecraft and that’s it. And if I contact them, what should I tell them?

Tell them that your connection is unreliable, which prevents you from playing a game that relies on P2P (peer-to-peer) networking; some ISPs intentionally limit P2P traffic to “prevent abuse”, which is likely the cause of your issue if other games work fine.

Can we wait it out? because my brother had it and after two weeks he was able to play and my friend said that he had the same problem and after the 4th day he could play, is that true??

I cant answer that, there’s way too many variables at play. Best contact your ISP.