“Oh no! It looks like you don’t have permission to pledge to The CitizenFX Collective. The most common reasons for this are due to previous payment declines or suspicious activity. If you feel this block was in error, we suggest reaching out to The CitizenFX Collective on another platform.”
Now my account was disabled…
lmao XD
Talk to Patreon. This has nothing to do with FiveM.
Straight from the FiveM Moderators
Talk to Patreon if they disabled your account
It literally tells me in the message to contact fivem
Send an email to support@fivem.net with reasons why you should be unblocked, with your patreon email. Usually because of many things; declined cards, stolen credit cards, mutliple accounts, etc
Thank you, I just emailed them
Do you know how long it takes for a response?
Same issue what happen to your account?
my account was suspended
have you bought a patreon? what are you doing?
This is not a normal blocking or suspension or fraud issue as I have tired my self with 6 different credit cards and have tired a different person with different internet and different credit card and still gets blocked for suspicious activity or whatever it’s the same issue and the weird thing is that it only takes 1 purchase before it’s blocks you and disables your account FiveM and or Patreon needs to fix this or perhaps provide a alternative way of payment for this type of service
same with me, i can’t upgrade to member club
This all needs to be taken to patreon they control the payments.
same with me, i can’t upgrade to member club
I have a problem.
someone has been solve this ?