Hud [qb, esx]

Hud: We have designed an extremely nice , simple and practical hud with the minimum and necessary information. This hud includes car hud for when you are in a vehicle of any type also the different statuses and needs of each player.

About: The simplicity of the hud allows you to practically reduce unnecessary information on your players’ screens. HUD settings are default for each player. Our script has returned the following results: 0.05 ms consumption on the client side, we have noticed that in the tick moments where the player information is refreshed it has reached a maximum of 0.07 ms.


  1. Player Hud: Hunger, Thirst, Armor(in case player is carrying a armor) & Stamina.
  2. Vehicle Hud: Speed(mph & kmh), Rpms, Fuel level, Current gear, build-in seatbealt & street location.
  3. Microphone: In each voice interaction that the player makes, a small icon will appear in the lower center of the players’ screen with a pulsing effect.
  4. Server Logo: Display your city logo by editing the url link on the config file.
  5. Minimap: Two options: one to show it only when the player is driving a vehicle or you can also choose to always show it.
  6. Animations & Effects: Depending on the value and the amount of percentage that the player’s different needs have, they will change color and will even flash alerting the player that a certain need is very low or very high depending on the case.
  7. Escrow Protection.


  1. QB
  2. ESX (Required: esx_status)

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