How would I go about creating my own ped character file? (Blender)

Hi, I have recently been trying to use blender to convert pre-existing character models into peds that I can then put as a resource on my FiveM server so that they can then be selected via something like vMenu.
I am already (kinda) familiar with setting up metadata for peds and I have done this with peds that I have downloaded from gta5-mods.
The problem lies with creating my own peds.
I have already tried getting ZModeler to work but it simply doesn’t work for some reason and while I am aware that GIMS Evo exists for 3DS Max (which I have access to) but I am not at all familiar with 3ds Max and would prefer to use it as little as possible (ideally only for exporting if necessary)
I have found a plugin that can import GTA models into blender but it messes up the armature and imports it as small, disconnected bones that outline the joints but not the actual connections between bones.
There is actually a video where someone manages to do this in blender and only use 3ds max with GIMS Evo for exporting but the steps are not explained in detail at all.
I’m new to this and don’t have any idea of the specifications for exporting valid peds and would like help with this.
Thanks in advance