[How-to] Streaming addon clothes and ped props for mp freemode models

haircut and jacket

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Running into an issue, creating the project directory folder. CMD crashes immediately when i run the command. Path was added as well.


Try with powershell other people confirmed it does not work as intended with cmd.

I’ve tried powerhsell as well. I get this:

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.InvalidDataException: Found invalid data while decoding.
at System.IO.Compression.InflaterZlib.Inflate(FlushCode flushCode)
at System.IO.Compression.InflaterZlib.ReadInflateOutput(Byte[] outputBuffer, Int32 offset, Int32 length, FlushCode flushCode, Int32& bytesRead)
at System.IO.Compression.InflaterZlib.Inflate(Byte[] bytes, Int32 offset, Int32 length)
at System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream.Read(Byte[] array, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
at System.IO.Stream.InternalCopyTo(Stream destination, Int32 bufferSize)
at System.IO.Stream.CopyTo(Stream destination)
at GTAUtil.Utils.GetBinaryFileData(IArchiveBinaryFile file, RageArchiveEncryption7 Encryption)
at GTAUtil.Program.<>c__DisplayClass43_0.b__0(String fullFileName, IArchiveFile file, RageArchiveEncryption7 encryption)
at RageLib.GTA5.Utilities.ArchiveUtilities.ForEachFile(String fullPathName, IArchiveDirectory directory, RageArchiveEncryption7 encryption, ProcessFileDelegate processDelegate, ErrorDelegate errorDelegate) in D:\Developpement\FiveM\gtautil\gtautil\Libraries\gta-toolkit\RageLib.GTA5\Utilities\ArchiveUtilities.cs:line 83
at RageLib.GTA5.Utilities.ArchiveUtilities.ForEachFile(String fullPathName, IArchiveDirectory directory, RageArchiveEncryption7 encryption, ProcessFileDelegate processDelegate, ErrorDelegate errorDelegate) in D:\Developpement\FiveM\gtautil\gtautil\Libraries\gta-toolkit\RageLib.GTA5\Utilities\ArchiveUtilities.cs:line 100
at RageLib.GTA5.Utilities.ArchiveUtilities.ForEachFile(String fullPathName, IArchiveDirectory directory, RageArchiveEncryption7 encryption, ProcessFileDelegate processDelegate, ErrorDelegate errorDelegate) in D:\Developpement\FiveM\gtautil\gtautil\Libraries\gta-toolkit\RageLib.GTA5\Utilities\ArchiveUtilities.cs:line 100
at GTAUtil.Program.GetDLCList()
at GTAUtil.Program.Init(String[] args)
at GTAUtil.Program.<>c__DisplayClass10_0.b__0(GenPedDefsOptions opts, GenericOptions gOpts)
at GTAUtil.CommandLine.Parse[T](String[] args, Action`2 callback)
at GTAUtil.Program.HandleGenPedDefsOptions(String[] args)
at GTAUtil.Program.Main(String[] args)


Verify your game files, it might help

Does this software creates additional slots for clothes? Or is it just a replace for mp_freemode_01 models?

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I made a lot of clothes for Fivem

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Thanks to you to sharing your knowledge @GiZz
Works like a Charm !

Why it’s not using to make EUP script ?
it’s a better method than ‘replace system’



Hey there. I think I either found a little bug or I’m doing something wrong. Either way, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Essentially what happens is after I start streaming all my addon-clothes, all of them work perfectly fine and reserved slots are working correctly too, however what happens is that 90% of all native in-game hats that should be there from complete beggining are missing. Once I try to put them on, nothing happens, just like if you try to select reserved slot.

The reason why I know that addon streaming is causing it, is because if I try to go in the server without starting the resource for addon clothing, all the hats are there.

If anyone knows why this is happening or has any solution, I would reallly appreciate it. Thanks ^^


After some further testing and trying I also found out that once I go above number 10 in .ydd files, and try to compile entire thing for FiveM, the gtautil software start putting wrong .ydd files wrong textures.
For Example:

In source folder I have:

 ~Other .ydd Files And Folders~
9/0.ytd              (Folder with files)
10/0.ytd, 1.ytd      (Folder with files)

Once I compile it puts 9.ydd with textures from folder 10 and 10.ydd with texures of folder 9. And it does that with every single .ydd in that folder, resulting in no textures matching the correct model.

Once again, any help would be appreciated


Yes additional slots :slight_smile:


Here is the related issue https://github.com/indilo53/gtautil/issues/6

If someone want to do this will be cool :slight_smile:

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Is there any chance to add drawables only fot the skins that are you puting? For example, add 1 drawable for hair, and none to shirt

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Hello, thanks for your sharing.
My problem about the streaming new peds ( not replace, just addon)

and my folder like this

How can i stream that?
i tried the way following:

but Fivem crashes, i think you got a solve thank you :))


Running this as admin with powershell, following instructions to a tee and verifying, the software runs without issue (added to environment variable) but nothing populates the build fold except the __resource.lua and the stream folder, what am I missing here. Feel like i am over looking something

Lol struck me what I was doing wrong it works now Thank you for this tool

So im trying to add custom clothes (Ambulance clothes)

these are the files:

jbib_diff_003_c_uni.ytd (Shirt)
lowr_diff_002_a_whi.ytd (pants)

Its says this in the readme:

How to install?

Shirt(jbib_diff_003_c_uni.dds):GTA V>mods>update>update.rpf>x64>eup>eup_componentpeds.rpf>mp_m_freemode_male_apt01

Broek(lowr_diff_004_b_whi.dds):GTA V>mods>update>update.rpf>x64>eup>eup_componentpeds.rpf>mp_m_freemode_01_male_heist

Its not working for me maybe im doing something wrong (They are dds files

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Hi, it is possible to put the basic hair for men without the patreon license?

I don’t believe so due to it is streaming, hair streams just like clothes so the same policy would apply.

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We must pay the patreon to add custom clothes?

Does it work on 120 slots?

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