Hi, I´m trying right now to setup a keybind for my /radio command. This is what i have tried but its not working.
This is the error code: SCRIPT ERROR: @saltyradio/client/client.lua:179: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘API’)
I don´t know what to change with the ‘API’
Any Ideas ?
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You should just be able registerkeymapping x +radio
so do I enter the whole command and edit it for radio or do I only need a specific part ?
I don’t remember if it needs to be threaded or not, I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m wrong but you should just be able to yoink that thread out , one line it basically as I wrote it but as a function with arguments. And it should work.
Key bit of advice I’ve learned. If you don’t know how a native works, you can normally find examples of use cases by searching the native on github and scouting code. That is if you don’t understand what the native documentation is telling you
I looked around and tried some things until i got no error codes left. This is what it looks like now but theres still no action in game.
Also if you register a command with no action in the command ofcourse you’re not gonna see anything.
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