Has some one some more code snippets for more events? There is not a lot documentation yet.
I find this list of a few events but I don’t know how to use it
I tried “onPlayerDied” on server side with this implementation in the constructor:
EventHandlers.Add("onPlayerDied", new Action<Player, string, Vector3, CallbackDelegate>(OnPlayerDied));
and this method:
private void OnPlayerDied([FromSource]Player player, string deathReason, Vector3 position, CallbackDelegate wtf)
Debug.WriteLine("OnPlayerDied! " + player.Name + " reason = " + deathReason + " at position: " + position.ToString());
I’ve done a lot of suicides but nothing happens.
I also tried to implement the playerSpawned event on client side with this line in the constructor:
EventHandlers.Add("playerSpawned", new Action<Player>(OnPlayerSpawned));
and this method:
private void OnPlayerSpawned([FromSource]Player player)
Debug.WriteLine("OnPlayerSpawned!!! "+player.Name); //this creates an error :(
Debug.WriteLine("OnPlayerSpawned!!!"); //this works :) you got the line "OnPlayerSpawned!!!" at your client console (F8)
So I think there is no parameter of type Player in the event? In the
lua docu I got no more help, I don’t understand nothing of it
Where can i find out what parameters are used in the events?