How to Retrieve Vehicle Hash with Player in It

Hello, I’m fairly new to fiveM scripting and am working on one of my first scripts so spare me if I make some mistakes.

What I want to do with the first part of this script is get the hash of the vehicle a player is shooting at.

Code I have

	local player = PlayerId()
	local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)

  while ESX == nil do
		if IsPlayerFreeAiming(player) then 
			if IsPedShooting(ped) then
				local aiming, entity = GetEntityPlayerIsFreeAimingAt(player, Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway())

					if IsEntityAVehicle(entity) then
						print('Shooting at car')						
						print('Not shooting at car')

Problem: When there isn’t a player in the vehicle it works fine but when there is it prints “Not shooting at car” to the console

Expected Result: I want the program to acknowledge that I am shooting at a car even if there is a player in it.

Interesting, seems like it prioritizes the ped(s) in the vehicle, my speculation is if you were pointing a weapon at a vehicle most likely you wanted to kill the ped(s) inside (e.g. shoot thru windows).

Quick fix/workaround I just came up, not tested yet

if DoesEntityExist(entity) then --extra condition, just in case
   if IsEntityAVehicle(entity) then
      -- Is Vehicle
   elseif IsEntityAPed(entity) then
         local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(entity, false)
         if vehicle then
            -- Is Vehicle
            -- Is Not Vehicle
      -- Is Not Vehicle

Tell me if it works :disappointed_relieved: Thank you sir, have a nice day

Thank you so much this worked for my particular situation.

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Glad it worked! Thank you for your update sir, have a great time scripting :fire: