This isn’t a “how-to” per se, but rather a “here’s what you need to do and here’s sort of how you do it”-post. Most of the work was figuring out how everything is connected and what is required to make it work at all. It’s… just a lot to cover so there’s most likely gaps.
What is audio occlusion in custom interiors?
Basically you’re defining how audio should behave to/from interiors/rooms. This will only cover ambient sounds and audio paths between rooms.
ELI5/TL;DR: Weather sounds gone from buildings, audio not going through walls, but through doors/windows.
I haven’t had time to add information about StaticEmitters or custom doors sounds, but it’s rather easy and mostly self-explanatory by looking at how native buildings do.
The README on my repository contains the actual documentation though as it’s easier to update it there (and others can submit changes or add more research).
Credits (In no particular order)
Everyone else that answered my questions