[How to]Removing NPC police

Please help.I need delete NPC police,ambulance and traffic police

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Make a client script and put this into it:

    for i = 1, 32 do
        Citizen.InvokeNative(0xDC0F817884CDD856, i, false)
    while true do
        if GetPlayerWantedLevel(PlayerId()) ~= 0 then

Will stop emergency services from dispatching and also disable all wanted levels for all players, just in case.
As for random AI cops spawning near police stations, I don’t think you can easily remove them.


I dont need to remove the wanted lvl.I need remove npc cops

It will reduce the amount of NPC cops, AFAIK you can’t disable them completely.

but at the same time wanted lvl isnt given and cops(players) dont see the crime?

You can remove the wanted level part and keep the first part, this will allow for wanted level but cops not dispatched, they are however still in the game and if close by will attack people who are wanted.

for i = 1, 32 do
    Citizen.InvokeNative(0xDC0F817884CDD856, i, false)

Try this: [RELEASE] Disable ALL Emergency Service and Military Dispatching

Works fine for me

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cops are stayed on the street and their cars too.Dont work(

I use this code it successfully removes police bots:

while true do
local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
local playerLocalisation = GetEntityCoords(playerPed)
ClearAreaOfCops(playerLocalisation.x, playerLocalisation.y, playerLocalisation.z, 400.0)


does it remove the npcs from the cop stations? Also how do I use this? make a config.lua of it?

it works just change the playerLocalisation.z higher than 1000

How to remove the EMS also ?

Set the npc_control to remove the EMS guy? Then his vehicle won’t drive around the city.

Why is 400 entered after .z, ? Is that the z coord? If so, do I need to enter and x and y variable also after their respective argument or?

where do i add this please

where do i add this

This still works. nice script