How to portforward? Help me plzz!

Hi! I made a FXServer I did what they say, but I do not know how I portforward him, can someone help me?

If need something, Ask it :slight_smile:

Assuming your running off of a windows Network and protocol

Open up firewall settings and open the ports 30120 Both UDP and TCP

not working :frowning:

What inbound and outbound protocols are you opening.

Also Make sure Its through too UDP and TCP :slight_smile:

Screenshot_39 wtf? i have the console open

what means this?

It means its sending a heartbeat, Meaning your server is pinging, so its good,

because youre going to too the port 30110 Make sure in server.cfg at the top where it states

endpoint_add_tcp “”
endpoint_add_udp “”

Change it to

endpoint_add_tcp “”
endpoint_add_udp “”

I did it, not working :cold_sweat:

i know for port fowarding you want help my discord name : RaYvn#2002