I would like to know how to move a custom Ymap please?
I try to move a Ymap, i searched everywhere but i can’t find links for Smallo’s Ymap Mover, and this tool on gta5-mods move only the visual map, the collisions are still on old placements.
i tried the tool but the collision don’t move. btw what i have to do with codewalker? i tought it was just a script used by the program
Also the “last version” is not the “current” version, i tried both, but version 1.2 (last) works better than the “current” version (1.1), with current one the map don’t move. What version i have to use exactly?
I will make researches, but if you can point me a bit what to search it would be helpful! Thanks you very much for your answer!
How do i load the map mod in codewalker? i enabled DLC, Mods, selected my Ymap but still no modded map in CodeWalker
Edit: i successful loaded the mod map, but i can’t see collisions, i can see collisions of original map in world view, but mod don’t show in this view, in ymap view i can’t see any collisions