How to mod cars in fivereborn? I have modded the cars using openIV but the cars are still stock

As the title :frowning:

This is not Multifive, however for FIveReborn you can just make the server send the mdos to the client.

  • Moved to development - scripting section.

@obhappy888 Do you want to use modified cars clientsided or serversided?

@kanersps thanks dude

@obhappy888 Do you want to use modified cars clientsided or serversided?

I would like to use my via clientsided… I would want to use my zentonrno that I now have a Lamborghini on it. as an example

put the original car in your mod folder.

@Roydeking52 said in How to mod cars in multifive?? I have modded the cars using openIV but the cars are still stock:

put the original car in your mod folder.

like you would if you used it for story mode?

yes, like if you had replaced the zentorno and made a back up.

Can u explain more do i have to use open iv im still little bit confused i wanted to replace Police4 with another cop i found thankyou

No you dont need openIV at all. Just follow this tutorial.


@kanersps How can i install cars?
I have a dedicated server and how do i put custom police cars in it???

Thanks in advance! :stuck_out_tongue:

@Jalle_M said in How to mod cars in fivereborn?? I have modded the cars using openIV but the cars are still stock:

@kanersps How can i install cars?
I have a dedicated server and how do i put custom police cars in it???

Thanks in advance! :stuck_out_tongue:

No reason to bring back old topics. just search it there are plenty of tutorials on here

in all honesty tuning tuned cars already, i would not do it for now.
The fact that the system is unstable and people getting all sort of errors and server wont start becouse a corrupt wtf, i wouldnt even attempt it for now

the link is broken …