How to make AI, NPC or Local fire and ems not respond? And how do i make it so Ai police cars dont spawn?

How do i make AI, NPC or Local fire and ems not respond? And how do i make it so Ai police cars dont spawn?

@ogblade02 something like that for the police … example I found …

    while true do
    local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
    local playerLocalisation = GetEntityCoords(playerPed)
    ClearAreaOfCops(playerLocalisation.x, playerLocalisation.y, playerLocalisation.z, 400.0)

@ogblade02 or try it :wink:

[RELEASE] Disable ALL Emergency Service and Military Dispatching

@ogblade02 after if you want all the pnj do not attack you here

thanks chief

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with pleasure if I could orient you :stuck_out_tongue:

are these server sided so it works for everybody ingame?