How to let players attack each other? (Disable Passive Mode)

I’m running a fivem server with only vMenu resource added. I started to code a custom job but I can’t find out how to disable passive mode? (In many servers it can be switched with “/passive” command) I tried too many native functions but none of them worked.

Any kind of help is appreciated. It can be a tutorial, link, opinion or keyword to search…


most likely you have a resource disabling pvp.
search through your Resources for something like “Config.EnablePvP” “EnablePvp” “PvP” and set it to true

Thank you for your answer. I couldn’t find any of those config in the resources. (Do you mean resources folder?) But I’ve found another way with the keyword ‘PvP’. I never tried to search for it.

This is the link if someone else is needed:

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