So, My Friend has a Server, I’m the Co - Owner, He said that he installed the Essential Mode… He, told me that he followed the instructions that were given by this link [How-to] Setup FXServer with MySQL and Essentialmode4. And he said it wasn’t working. Can someone help us…? Sorry i can’t provide with screenshots on pictures… I’m just the Co - Owner… But currently we are about to pay a kid 40$ For Essential Mode + Scorchinizing… Could Someone Help?
MP i can help you if you want !
Ok, do you have TeamSpeak3 or Steam, or discord? I have all 3 of those…
I have ts3 steam and discord lol but i’m not english for speak…
I also need help as somehow heidi cannot connect and when i use mysql workbench i get an error saying something about Authentication error caching_sha2_password and dont know how to fix it
This question shouldnt even be in this topic, this is also a 1 year old post… search the forums for your answers they are out there.