I want to make some commands, but i don’t know
how can i increase or deincrease rpchat range.
Not for all just for whisper, shout commands.
In my server only using chat.
So i need advise and help is anyone know about it?
I want to make some commands, but i don’t know
how can i increase or deincrease rpchat range.
Not for all just for whisper, shout commands.
In my server only using chat.
So i need advise and help is anyone know about it?
Depends what version of rpchat you are using.
Please share a link to a GitHub repo for the one you are using, or upload it as a .zip (I am at work and can’t open .rar or .7z files on the work PC).
When creating a new command with rp_chat, you have 2 built in options;
With option 2, if you check the event with that name, in the CLIENT file, you will see a distance check. It is 20 by default. Increasing this will increase the distance a player can be and still see the chat message triggered by the command. This will increase the range for ALL proximity commands though (/me and /do by default).
AddEventHandler('esx_rpchat:sendProximityMessage', function(playerId, title, message, color)
local player = PlayerId()
local target = GetPlayerFromServerId(playerId)
local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
local targetPed = GetPlayerPed(target)
local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(playerPed)
local targetCoords = GetEntityCoords(targetPed)
if target ~= -1 then
if target == player or #(playerCoords - targetCoords) < 20 then -- This number is the distance
TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', {args = {title, message}, color = color})
If you are hoping to add more commands like /whisper or /shout and have different ranges for each, you will need to add a new parameter at the end of “esx_rpchat:sendProximityMessage” which will be the distance as a number, and send this number when triggering the event. Then just change that 20 to the parameter you created. You can do that like this;
AddEventHandler('esx_rpchat:sendProximityMessage', function(playerId, title, message, color, distance)
local player = PlayerId()
local target = GetPlayerFromServerId(playerId)
local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
local targetPed = GetPlayerPed(target)
local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(playerPed)
local targetCoords = GetEntityCoords(targetPed)
if target ~= -1 then
if target == player or #(playerCoords - targetCoords) < distance then
TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', {args = {title, message}, color = color})
-- Edit the /me command to send a distance at the end of this trigger. eg. 25
TriggerClientEvent('esx_rpchat:sendProximityMessage', -1, playerId, _U('me_prefix', playerName), args, {153, 102, 255}, 25)
-- Edit the /do command to send a distance at the end of this trigger. eg. 30
TriggerClientEvent('esx_rpchat:sendProximityMessage', -1, playerId, _U('do_prefix', playerName), args, {102, 0, 153}, 30)
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