[How-to] Host FiveM's voice chat (mumble) in another server

I have also player crashes when MumbleSetServerAddress is executed (im using murmur) any advices or special configuration?

I am not running any other mumble command before the “MumbleSetServerAddress” until “MumbleIsConnected”

This is the crash

Just wondering would it work with murmur to since grumble seems to be quite unstable.

ahh my question was answered here.

Same problem for me, did you found any solution?

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One of the weird things with the external server (mumble-server) is that you HAVE to pre-define the game channels (If you use pma-voice you will have to manually create 220 channels.) image

After doing that you have to edit /etc/mumble-server.ini and do as @tayandenga had previously said and whitelist all usernames with username=(.*)+.

Make sure you change your user limit to be a little bit above (we use users=170)

You might also want to increase the user rate limiting, we’re not quite sure what the ‘sweet spot’ is but we currently use


After all of that it’s highly suggested you change your mumble servers default port (port=diffport) so minges don’t come in and talk in them (wont be much of a problem if you do voice_useSendingRangeOnly true in your .cfg)


how ur mumble creating the channel automatically can you help me

You can’t automatically make the channels as far as I can tell (the natives for it don’t work for external servers), you have to use your SuperRoot user to make the channels (if you use regular mumble, you’ll have to make 1024 channels, if you use my modified version you just need two).

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I have this crash, OneSync ON by txadmin with Platinum key

btw did u tried uMurmur

Dont use Grumble use mumble

im not sure how install and use it, i will try

Anyone willing to make a tutorial on how to install murmur?

Je ne comprends pas trop ou je dois utiliser cette commande


Hello, I am having issues with installing and running the server. The installation was successful, but when I try to connect to the mumble-voip server, it gets stucked on “Initising”

This is config of the mumble-voip:

	useExternalServer = true,
	externalAddress = "",
	externalPort = 64738,

And thats how a docker looks like:


Is there anything I can do around it? And my artifacts is: 3364 and I am hosting my server on Windows.
And the last thing, if I restart the resource when I am on server, I get in F8 “Unknown exception”

Thank you in advanced for all the replies

Actually, you can. If you can write SQL queries appropriately, you can manipulate uMurmur’s database file (SQLite). I myself used that approach.

Cool, I’ll have to look into it later on.

Hey, Yeah true, you need create channels manually, if you use external server. I just made good sql file, which you can execute example with this: https://sqlitebrowser.org

You need to back up murmur.sqlite file, and edit it then with that program that I just linked. Basicly you just need go to the execute page, and copy all rows in .sql file. The sql file is below.

mumble_channels.sql (21.3 KB)
Then you need to save it, and copy back to mumble server folder. That’s all! Works perfectly.

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i have the problem that my client only connects shortly to the Murmur Server and disconnects with an error.

2021-01-23 10:54:23.852 1 => <2:(-1)> New connection: 185.13.XX.XXX:50451
2021-01-23 10:54:24.038 1 => <2:(-1)> Client version 1.2.4 (Windows: CitizenFX Client)
2021-01-23 10:54:24.042 1 => Starting voice thread
2021-01-23 10:54:24.046 1 => CELT codec switch ffffffff8000000b 0 (prefer ffffffff8000000b) (Opus 1)
2021-01-23 10:54:24.051 1 => <2:[1] iRaptor(-1)> Authenticated
2021-01-23 10:54:24.376 1 => <2:[1] iRaptor(-1)> Connection closed: The TLS/SSL connection has been closed [1]
2021-01-23 10:54:24.380 1 => Ending voice thread

The Murmur- and Game Server is running on Windows Server 2019.

Anyone have any idea how I can fix this error?

Hey im having the same issue, did u solved?

the sql jumps channels was that intended?

(1, 508, 0, ‘Game Channel 508’, ‘508’),
(1, 997, 0, ‘Game Channel 997’, ‘997’),
(1, 1002, 0, ‘Game Channel 1002’, ‘1002’),