How to give/sell weapon licenses?

Hi, I found a weaponui script that asks for a license if I want to buy a gun. I have esx_license installed, how can it give player licenses?

It’s write in the README of esx_license

Available triggers

  • 'esx_license:addLicense', function(target, type, cb)
  • 'esx_license:removeLicense', function(target, type, cb)
  • 'esx_license:getLicense', function(source, cb, type) (callback)
  • 'esx_license:getLicenses', function(source, cb, target) (callback)
  • 'esx_license:checkLicense', function(source, cb, target, type) (callback)
  • 'esx_license:getLicensesList', function(source, cb) (callback)

Sorry, I’m new. Where do I add this if I use Roda_weaponshop (I dont know if you know it)?