[How-To] Get the Chameleon paints

how would I get this to work with my zap hosting server

how do i compile it?

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hey bro, i got it working on Vmenu, but i stil have a issue, the colors dont show on the R*Editor, any ideia how i can i solve this?

Hello, I have no idea about the R* Editor part sorry, I never used it myself

You can use cinematic cam or third party editors to take photos

That’ll be uploaded soon. Sorry, I haven’t had time to get the compiled version up.

The compiled version is up!

I have tested your compiled version. Weapons and weapon addons (such as grips, flashlight etc) and working, chameleon paintjobs working (all of them, not just a small amount!), moving the teleports option was super cool! I know this is offtopic but, a highly requested feature of vMenu of which have been on a lot of popular servers, is a timer notification that appears when you try to span a vehicle after having already spawned one.

I have read reports that the Chameleon paints don’t appear in Rockstar Editor, I have tested and in fact they do, however I tested on a localhost by myself and do not know if other vehicles appear with the paints; I however presume so.

I’m not sure how to compile vMenu, but if you need all of the vehicles or ped names you can use the blue linked words I posted.

Hope this helps. Thanks for compiling, @ribbitpoison and thank you @AvaN0x for the tutorial :slight_smile:


Chameleon paints does anyone know how to add it in the TuningSystem

Chameleon paints does anyone know how to add it in the TuningSystem

does work, you didn’t follow the instructions.

Hi could you guide me on where i can add the additional colors or could provide any instructions on how i can add this to a QB server, i would highly appreciate it!