[How-To] Fix NUI <iframe> pages not loading past login

Some users may have begun to experience a bug with <iframe> elements “not working” or getting requests rejected. This is because cookies sent through the <iframe> tag are flagged as malicious or detected as a potential “cross-site scripting attack” [https://sucuri.net/guides/what-is-cross-site-scripting/#:~:text=Examples%20of%20reflected%20cross%2Dsite,only%20they%20see%20the%20result].
Since using the iframe within FiveM NUI generally will be “treated as cross-site scenarios” [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/samesite/system-web-samesite], we can use the following block of code to allow for the cookies to be accepted after form submission.

    $secure = true; 
    $httponly = true;
    $samesite = 'none';

    if(PHP_VERSION_ID < 70300) {
        session_set_cookie_params($maxlifetime, '/; samesite='.$samesite, $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $secure, $httponly);
    } else {
            'lifetime' => $maxlifetime,
            'path' => '/',
            'domain' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],
            'secure' => $secure,
            'httponly' => $httponly,
            'samesite' => $samesite

^ inserting this line of code, right after the PHP opener of my login.php is the fix. The first part sets some variables for use and then there is a version check for if it is a version older than PHP 7.3 it will set the cookie that top way and then if not it does the bit longer way, but it should be a solid patch.

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where exactly I have to put in?

Where-ever your PHP opener is located for the page in question

im not really good in php haha :smiley: so i dont know exactly where

i have a sign.php and have put the code above directly after <?php but still not working :smiley: