tomorow i play gta V in FiveM normaly. But to day, i can’t open FiveM, it’s notify to me with a lof of line but I don’t print screen. Then i delete FiveM and download agian, When I open file FiveM.exe, it’s notify like picture, help me pls :(((.
Edit1: I have found how to fix that error, That error is caused by the network, you have to reset your moden wifi. if your house have many moden and I think you should reset all of them. good luck!
What does the url from the popup say when you open it in your browser?
sorry but i’m not sure what you mean :||||||
In the error message there’s an url, open it in your browser and show me what it says
Looks fine in your browser, do you might have any antivirus or url filter software on your pc? try disabling it
i have antivirus, but I can’t disabling it. this is my father computer, i know he will be angry when i disabling it. but why I have to disabling antivirus while this isnot game crack ?
Your antivirus/firewall blocks the connection.
You have to disable it (only the first time you start fivem)
ok thanks 2 guy, let me test.
it’s still not working
I had turned off firewall,windows defender and disabled antivirus
try this
it’s not work, I think window 7 is reason
some body help me:(( I haven’t had breakfast on 2 week to have this game =((((
Sorry i can’t help you. (out of my league)
I think win7 and fivem don’t like each other, try on win10
I think reason is my internet, every computer or laptop have same problem when conecting home internet.
I have found how to fix it =)))
What was the problem?
It is caused by the network, just reset modem wifi and it’ll be finished
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