How to find props txd and txn

Hello. I want to know how can we find texture dictionary and texture name of a prop for example clipboard p_amb_clipboard_01


Start with getting the following tools: CodeWalker and OpenIV.

  1. Use CodeWalker to create a new entity of the prop. There are some tutorials out there that’ll help you do that.
  2. Select the spawned entity and look for the texture dictionary associated with it. This is the txd you are looking for.
  3. Launch OpenIV and use its search tool to search for the texture dictionary found in the previous step.
  4. Double click this dictionary and look for the appropriate texture. That will be the txn you are looking for.

Thank you. Actually I did that and I found clipboard objects txd but when I search it in openiv i’ll see some textures that doesn’t match with clipboards texture for example prop_laptop_01 and I don’t know how can I get the right txn for that paper on clipboard object

Unsure what this means, but it appears to have an embedded texture named cs_p_clipboard… so maybe try that.

So how did you find that. I mean I opened a .txd file and there was some textures is those the txn?? Cause I didn’t found a right txn in clipboard objects txd file

It’s part of p_amb_clipboard_01.ydr file. In OpenIV when you open ydr file, it has an option to “view embedded texture” and that’s where I found the texture name.

So I got wrong txd. I couldn’t find p_amb_clipboard_01 as the texture dict of clipboard object in CodeWalker
I created the entity and I get texture dict on that list in the right side of CodeWalker(I forgot the name sorry)