[How-to] [ESX] Display Vehicle Names in Garage

Hello FiveM Community Both the ESX Community.

I will show you how you can rename the vehicles in the garage and set them in the vehicles.meta as well as in the handling.meta.

First of all, we choose a vehicle that has the name NULL.

See Picture 1:

Next you open your handling.meta as well as your vehicle.meta file and move it with (Visual Stundi Code / Notepad ++ / Visual Studio 2019) half to half (50% | 50%)

See Picture 2:

Next, look for <handlingName> challenger16 </handlingName> in the Handling.meta

( in my case its challenger16 )

and in Vehicles.meta look for

<modelName> challenger16 </modelName> <txdName> challenger16 </txdName> <handlingId> challenger16 </handlingId>

and check that all 4 values ​​are:
<modelName>, <txdName>, <handlingId>

have the same name !!! like challenger16 if not change it like that

<modelName>challenger16</modelName> <txdName>challenger16</txdName> <handlingId>challenger16</handlingId>

find the gameName ( <gameName> CHALLENGER </gameName> )

Now the last thing you have to do is create a lua file. name doesn’t matter, in my case it is: (vehicle_names.lua)

and inserts the following! :

function AddTextEntry(key, value)

Citizen.InvokeNative(GetHashKey("ADD_TEXT_ENTRY"), key, value)



-- Dodge -- 

AddTextEntry('CHALLENGER ', 'Dodge SRT Demon')


if you want to add more vehicles_names.lua do that like that See Picture 3:

save the vehicles_names.lua add it in to a __resource.lua and go ahed your name is displayed like that

See Picture 4:

Car Picture See Picture 5:


Don’t change handlingId, WTF? If it already works under a specific name, when you change the name it’ll stop working and will assume the Adder handling (which is a supercar).
Also, creating a separate function for it is not necessary at all - just invoke the native by itself inside a thread, no need to have any additional handling for it.

Read again i say clearly what to do its need to be the same as gamename etc …

It does not need to be the same gamename, but it has to be the same handlingId name as in the handling.meta file. It can be different from the gamename and that is exactly why you should not tell people to change it - that will not affect anything for the topic of this guide and is likely going to break things instead.

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Does it work with all esx garages, cause at mine, some Cars are displayed and others not…
How can I fix that?

I made a list like yours and named it fix.lua.
Then I created a __resource.lua with the manifest and "client_script ‘fix.lua’ "

Those two files I put in a folder named Null_Fix and added it to my server.cfg

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Thanks. That works! :grin:

Nice to See That my way working :slight_smile:

Uhm if i could ask how to “ADD?” vehicle_names.lua to __resource.lua?

Because im only missing that to fix 90% of my addon cars hah

fxmanifest.lua you add client_script { "vehicles.lua" }

Do not forget to add the vehicle to the vehicle_names.lua and yes it works with all Garage.

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