[HOW TO DO IT?] -- Walking stick attach

Anyone has the code where attach a walking stick to the hand?

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How can i do it?

You have to make animation like in dpemotes which you are using,
Like you have to get prop name-
And create animation like this -
Code from dpemotes/Client/Animation.lua

       Prop = "hei_prop_heist_box",
       PropBone = 60309,
       PropPlacement = {0.025, 0.08, 0.255, -145.0, 290.0, 0.0},
       EmoteLoop = true,
       EmoteMoving = true,

Change the prop and prop bone and placement accordingly.

OK, I’m going to do it, thanks. Do you know the walking stick prop name? Jeje

Ya it’s here - prop_cs_walking_stick


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in dpemotes/Client/AnimationList.lua place this in the Prop section:

to use : /e cane

["cane"] = {"missheistdocksprep1hold_cellphone", "static", "Cane", AnimationOptions =
       Prop = "prop_cs_walking_stick",
       PropBone = 57005,
       PropPlacement = {0.15, 0.05, -0.03, 0.0, 266.0, 180.0},
       EmoteLoop = true,
       EmoteMoving = true,