Hey there sorry i am writing in wrong topic, i wanna disable the voice chat probably from vmenu cuz as admin i cannot here others in game, i have esx, vmenu, mumble voip, and their rp radio.
Well, you’ll need to consult vMenu documentation on how to do that. If vMenu is admin-only on your server, it’s quite simple to fix. If it’s for everybody (menu-involved roleplay) you need to be extra careful
Here’s a link: https://docs.vespura.com/vmenu/faq/#:~:text=Q%3A%20How%20do%20I%20disable,touching%20any%20voice%20chat%20stuff.
i did remove all the voice chat lines in permissions.cfg but nothing changed.
equal for me
does anybody else notice that when you talk wwith mumble voip everyone hears you very low?
why is that?
If you’re talking about low volume, it’s down to either your own microphone (you can apply a +10/+20db boost to it in Sound Devices settings of Windows) or the game settings, make sure both you and the other parties have their volumes turned up to max
like i said this issue is for everyone in my server, its not my MIC, cause in discord voice everything is very smooth.
So its something with the mumble voip
gta v and fivem voice chat settings are set correctly.
yeah same with me
same here my head admin team cant talk in game